Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Dr. Miland Brown's "World History Blog" supplies students with an excellent amount of historical information and knowledge. Not only that, but his reflections help students understand the greater themes and underlying meanings of certain historical events.

The first NETS-T principal is to "facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity." I will allow students a certain amount of autonomy with they technology work, which will leave them plenty of room for free thought. Freedom and technology is the perfect combination to get the creative juices flowing. Also, it was stated that many children can learn more alone on a computer in an hour than they can all day in the classroom.

Another foundation of NETS-T is to "engage in professional growth and leadership." Once students get a taste of success with technology they may be inspired to work harder in the classroom and within their own lives.

1 comment:

  1. Some teachers are great because their passion for their subject is so intense and wholehearted it becomes contagious. They convince their students that subjects like world history or physics is something worthy of study. This blog is an excellent of how an educator can share their passion and expertise with students through blogging. You made good connections between your blogging example and the NETS-T,
